Women's Center Shelter Project (2019)

2019 Shelter Project Supports Waukesha Women's Center

For the past three years, Heritage Church has gone out to lead worship at other congregations to raise awareness and funds for our mission partners. 

During February and March we will be sharing our gifts of music and drama with the wider community with a special Shelter Service supporting one of our mission partners, The Women's Center in Waukesha.

Founded in 1977, The Women’s Center serves women, children, and men impacted by domestic abuse, sexual violence, child abuse, and trafficking. 

The Women’s Center’s core philosophy is to ensure that needs of survivors are met, children are protected, and families healed.  Programs are centered on meeting the unique needs of each client, and are designed to empower while providing basic needs (food, shelter, clothing, and transportation).

Update March 17, 2019

Thank you to all who participated. Because of your energy, enthusiasm, and generosity, we were able to donate $3400 to the Waukesha Women's Center Client Resource Fund. This is a fund available for all those little things that really add up like money for track phones and calling cards, bus and cab fare, medical copays and money for prescription drugs. 

In addition Heritage has made a 3 year commitment for $7500 each year and are sponsoring a table at the (em)Power Luncheon in April. We are grateful for the opportunity that God has given us to help the Women’s Center change so many lives! 

Update May 2019

The final update on funds collected for this year is $4, 692.08. Thank you to all who participated.

View slideshow of 2019 Shelter Service 




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